Bethany Dixon, DC, RD, LDN, CME
El Dr. Dixon es un graduado en quiropráctica de la Universidad Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud, un examinador médico certificado (C.M.E.) y un R.D. y L.D.N. En 2014, la Administración Federal de Seguridad de Autotransportes creó un programa que requería que todos los conductores de camiones profesionales recibieran un examen físico DOT realizado por un C.M.E., y desde entonces ha dedicado su carrera al conductor profesional. Se la puede escuchar regularmente en Sirius XM y The Truck Boss Show (a menudo se la conoce como "La doctora de los conductores"), y ha publicado varios artículos y terminó su primer libro, "7 pasos para un examen físico DOT SIN ESTRÉS". ”
Detailed Resumé
Bethany Dixon knew she wanted to be a chiropractor at the age of 8. After graduating high-school she received her Bachelors of Science degree in Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services from the University of Pittsburgh School of now a Chiropractic graduate from the National University of Health Sciences, a Certified Medical Examiner (CME) and a Board-certified RD and LDN. Dr. Dixon found her unique niche in 2014 when the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration created a program that required all professional truck drivers to receive a DOT physical performed by a CME, and she has since dedicated her career to the professional driver; she can be heard on Sirius XM and The Truck Boss Show regularly (she’s often referred to as “The Drivers’ Doctor”). She has published multiple articles and finished her first book, “7 Steps to a STRESS-FREE DOT Physical.”